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Why I'm Moving Away from GraphQL After Six Years

  • The author shares a six-year experience with GraphQL, initially noting its benefits over untyped JSON REST APIs but ultimately pointing out significant drawbacks.
  • Key issues with GraphQL include increased attack surface, complex authorization, rate limiting challenges, query parsing vulnerabilities, and performance problems like the N+1 issue.
  • The author recommends considering alternatives like OpenAPI-compliant JSON REST APIs and modern tools such as FastAPI, tsoa, and TypeSpec for more efficient and secure API development.


  • After six years of using GraphQL, the author finds it overly complex, particularly in permissions, performance, and debugging, suggesting traditional REST endpoints might be more efficient.
  • The discussion highlights the challenges of integrating GraphQL with backend systems, emphasizing the need for detailed knowledge and documentation, and proposes solutions like server-side query builders and schema-first designs.
  • The debate contrasts GraphQL's flexibility and efficient nested querying with REST's simplicity and reliability, noting that the choice between them should be based on the project's specific needs and maturity.

Paul Graham Denies Rumors of Sam's Firing from Y Combinator

  • Paul Graham, co-founder of Y Combinator (YC), clarified on Twitter that Sam Altman was not fired by YC, addressing and countering circulating rumors.
  • This statement aims to dispel misinformation and provide clarity regarding Sam Altman's departure from YC.


  • A Hacker News discussion, sparked by a Paul Graham tweet, debunks myths about non-profit leadership, emphasizing the challenges and burnout in unpaid roles.
  • The conversation examines Mitchell Baker's role at Mozilla and Sam Altman's departure from Y Combinator to focus on OpenAI, debating whether it was a firing or a voluntary move.
  • The discussion highlights the complexities of managing high-responsibility roles and the nuances of public narratives surrounding high-profile career changes in tech and venture capital.

How Actors Use Deep Understanding to Memorize Lines

  • Actors remember their lines through elaborative rehearsal, which involves understanding the material's meaning and associating it with their character's motivations and emotions.
  • Psychologists Helga and Tony Noice discovered that actors adopt their character's perspective and deeply analyze the script to recall lines naturally.
  • This method, exemplified by actors like Michael Caine and John Basinger, emphasizes deep processing and meaningful associations, enhancing memory retention and applicable to everyday situations.


  • Actors use techniques like the Meisner Technique to foster genuine interaction and emotional authenticity, focusing on real-time responses rather than rote memorization.
  • The discussion contrasts internal emotional acting with external projection, likening the latter to AI's unpredictability, and highlights themes from "Her" about AI's communication limits.
  • Effective speakers and actors combine a deep understanding of material with engaging personas, while engineers excel in impromptu communication due to their deep understanding.

FrankenPHP: A Modern PHP Server with Go, Caddy, and Cloud-Native Features

  • FrankenPHP is a modern PHP application server written in Go, integrating the official PHP executor with the Caddy web server, and supporting HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, HTTP/3, and automatic HTTPS certificates.
  • Key features include worker mode for enhanced performance, compatibility with popular PHP frameworks, support for modern compression formats, built-in Prometheus metrics, structured logging, and real-time event handling via a Mercure hub.
  • Designed for cloud-native environments, FrankenPHP is easy to deploy as a Docker image or standalone binary, led by Kévin Dunglas, with design by Laury Sorriaux and sponsorship from Les-Tilleuls.coop.


  • FrankenPHP is a modern PHP application server that integrates PHP within a Go server, simplifying deployment into a single binary, appealing to developers for its user-friendly design.
  • The discussion highlights the pros and cons of PHP and Go for web development, with PHP known for ease of use and built-in features, while Go is praised for scalability, security, and error handling.
  • Despite its potential, FrankenPHP faces criticism for its complex build process, performance issues, and lack of worker mode support, indicating a need for further refinement and better documentation.
  • The interface converts the rabbit-holing process into a tiling layout, allowing users to explore topics through generated hyperlink-prompts.
  • Upcoming features will include sessions, sharing capabilities, enhanced navigation, highlight-to-delve functionality, and image integration.
  • The developers are seeking feedback on additional use cases and ideas for further improvement.


  • Maxkrieger introduced a new ChatGPT interface on a9.io, featuring a tiling layout that enhances topic exploration through hyperlink-prompts generated by the model.
  • The design aims to improve the user experience of large language models (LLMs) by preventing the reopening of already explored topics and is likened to navigating Wikipedia.
  • Users praise the clean, fast, and engaging interface, suggesting enhancements like better link visibility, session management, a tree layout for navigation, manual word highlighting, and a zoomable canvas, with potential educational applications noted.

Richard Feynman's Unopened Love Letter to Late Wife Revealed After His Death

  • Richard Feynman, a celebrated physicist, wrote a heartfelt love letter to his late wife, Arline, 16 months after her death in 1945.
  • The letter, which remained unopened until after Feynman's death in 1988, expresses his enduring love and sorrow.
  • This poignant letter is featured in the book "Letters of Note."


  • A forum user shares a decade-long journey of coping with their wife's death, reflecting on Richard Feynman's promiscuity as a coping mechanism and the balance between career and family.
  • The discussion delves into the emotional and moral complexities of seeking new relationships after a spouse's death, emphasizing informed consent and the irreplaceability of deep, long-term connections.
  • A Hacker News post revisits Feynman's letter to his late wife, sparking debates on love, loss, the ethics of publishing private writings, and broader themes of death's role in societal evolution and personal growth.

Avoid Premature Abstractions: Rethinking the DRY Principle in Coding

  • Dan Maksimovich advises against the premature application of the "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY) principle in coding, as it can lead to premature abstractions and complicate future changes.
  • He suggests tolerating some code duplication initially to maintain clearer, context-specific logic and facilitate easier future modifications.
  • Maksimovich's approach aligns with the "You Aren't Gonna Need It" (YAGNI) principle, which recommends avoiding the addition of unnecessary functionality until it is truly needed.


  • The discussion highlights the need to balance code readability and cohesion with the "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY) principle in software development.
  • Contributors agree that while DRY enhances cohesion, it can complicate debugging due to nested abstractions, advocating for prioritizing readability and maintainability.
  • The conversation underscores the importance of context-aware decision-making and trade-offs in engineering, emphasizing practical examples and historical insights on managing technical debt and optimizing critical performance areas.

New Attention Mechanisms Surpass Standard Multi-Head Attention in Efficiency and Performance

  • The paper "You Need to Pay Better Attention" by Mehran Hosseini and Peyman Hosseini introduces three new attention mechanisms: Optimised Attention, Efficient Attention, and Super Attention.
  • Optimised Attention reduces parameters by 25% and requires one fewer matrix multiplication per head, while Efficient Attention halves the parameters and reduces matrix multiplications by two per head, doubling the speed.
  • Super Attention significantly outperforms standard attention in vision and natural language processing tasks, evaluated on datasets like MNIST, CIFAR100, IMDB Movie Reviews, and Amazon Reviews.


  • Recent research introduces new attention mechanisms like Optimised Attention, Efficient Attention, Super Attention, and Infini-attention, which outperform standard multi-head attention in efficiency and performance.
  • The 2D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is being explored as a potential replacement for attention mechanisms, with discussions on its integration in neural networks and efficiency gains noted in the FNet paper.
  • The conversation highlights the complexity of AI systems, the environmental impact of large models, and the industry's risk aversion, emphasizing the need for more experiments and validation of new techniques.

Google Confirms Authenticity of 2,500 Leaked Search Documents

  • Google has confirmed the authenticity of 2,500 leaked internal documents detailing the data it collects, some of which may influence its search ranking algorithm.
  • SEO experts Rand Fishkin and Mike King analyzed the documents, offering a rare glimpse into Google's search operations but leaving many questions unanswered about data usage and weighting.
  • The leak is expected to impact the SEO, marketing, and publishing industries, which rely heavily on understanding Google's search mechanisms, though Google's spokesperson warned against drawing conclusions from potentially outdated or incomplete information.


  • Google confirmed the authenticity of leaked internal Search documents, raising concerns about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) manipulation worsening search results.
  • The leak validated suspicions about Google's use of clicks and Chrome data for rankings, contrary to previous denials, impacting ongoing lawsuits and highlighting issues like ad dominance and challenges for smaller publishers.
  • Discussions include the evolution of SEO, the potential of AI-driven systems like ChatGPT to replace traditional search engines, and suggestions to randomize website rankings to prevent manipulation, though concerns about commercialization and bias persist.

Massive Cyberattack Disables 600,000 SOHO Routers, Requires Hardware Replacements

  • Lumen Technologies' Black Lotus Labs reported a cyberattack from October 25-27, 2023, that disabled over 600,000 SOHO (Small Office/Home Office) routers within a single ISP's network, requiring hardware replacements.
  • The attack, attributed to the Chalubo RAT (Remote Access Trojan) malware, exploited weak credentials or exposed interfaces, causing significant service disruptions, particularly in rural areas.
  • Black Lotus Labs advises securing routers with strong passwords and regular updates; further details and Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) are available on their GitHub page.


  • Discussions focus on managing firmware updates and storage for internet-connected devices, balancing security patches with preventing unwanted updates.
  • Key issues include the use of immutable storage for system recovery, complexities of ISP-controlled devices, and the importance of secure boot schemes.
  • Specific incidents, like the backdooring of 600,000 routers and Windstream's widespread outages, underscore the need for reliable update mechanisms and robust security practices.

PyPy Proves Reliable and Efficient for Python Programs on Ubuntu Servers

  • Chris Siebenmann reports a positive experience using PyPy as a drop-in replacement for CPython on Ubuntu servers, installed via pipx.
  • PyPy has been functioning seamlessly for years, even with complex packages, including a recent cloud provider's CLI tool.
  • Siebenmann's experience underscores PyPy's effectiveness and reliability as a faster alternative to CPython.


  • The discussion clarifies the confusion between PyPy (a Python interpreter) and PyPI (Python Package Index), and humorously explains the term "wheel" in Python packaging.
  • Users share experiences with PyPy, highlighting its benefits and limitations, especially with C/Fortran packages and memory usage, and compare it with CPython.
  • The conversation also covers Python's integration with other languages for scientific computing, challenges of Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, and the influence of major tech companies on Python's development, including projects like NoGIL and Faster CPython.

Waymo's Strategic Patience and Engineering Propel It to Robo-Taxi Leadership

  • Waymo, initially the "Google Self-Driving Car Project," has become a leader in the autonomous vehicle industry, offering fully autonomous rideshare services in Phoenix, San Francisco, and parts of Los Angeles.
  • Unlike competitors such as Uber and General Motors' Cruise, which have faced setbacks and safety issues, Waymo has progressed steadily due to its cautious scaling approach, robust engineering, and financial backing from Alphabet.
  • Waymo's fleet of Jaguar I-Pace electric SUVs, equipped with advanced sensors, has largely avoided major accidents, but the company now faces regulatory scrutiny and competition from emerging players like Tesla.


  • Waymo's rigorous approach to autonomous driving has led to a successful robo-taxi business, distinguishing it from competitors like Tesla and Uber, who face criticism for less stringent methods.
  • Waymo's Level 4 system is praised for its safety and reliability, especially in specific conditions, while Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) technology is critiqued for its unreliability and frequent errors.
  • Discussions highlight the challenges of unpredictable driving conditions, the debate between using cameras versus LIDAR, and the potential economic and cultural impacts of autonomous vehicles.

Kolkata's 77-Year-Old Pen Hospital Revives Cherished Fountain Pens

  • The Pen Hospital in Kolkata, a 77-year-old shop, specializes in repairing and maintaining fountain pens, attracting pen enthusiasts who consider their pens as cherished heirlooms.
  • Currently run by Muhammad Imtiaz, the grandson of the founder, the shop thrives despite the digital age and cheaper stationery due to its dedicated clientele.
  • Imtiaz not only repairs pens but also educates customers on proper pen care, with the shop seeing increased visitors during exam seasons and special occasions.


  • An article on "The Pen Hospital" in Kolkata, which repairs fountain pens, initiated a discussion on Hacker News about pen maintenance and terminology accuracy.
  • Topics included ink drying, cleaning practices, differences between modern and older pen designs, and the environmental impact of disposable items.
  • Users shared personal preferences, tips, resources for pen maintenance, and anecdotes about pen collecting and niche hobbies.